Footsteps of the Apostle Paul | 2024 September

Journey to Greece | September 2 – September 9, 2024

Optional Extension to Rome | September 9-12, 2024

Hosted by: Pastors Tom Hughes & Tim Thompson

Hope for Our Times

Tour Code: TH0924

Embark on an enriching Greece group tour that promises an unforgettable journey through both ancient history and stunning natural beauty. Begin by gazing upon the architectural marvels of the Acropolis in Athens, where the Parthenon stands as a testament to the achievements of classical Greece. Transition to a day trip to Corinth, where you’ll explore the ruins of this once-thriving city and gain insight into its historical significance.
But the adventure doesn’t stop there – set sail on a captivating three-day Aegean cruise that transports you to the sacred island of Patmos, known for its spiritual energy and the Monastery of Saint John. Continue to the ancient city of Ephesus, where the remnants of grand theaters and impressive facades offer a glimpse into life during the Roman Empire. Finally, soak in the unparalleled beauty of Santorini, with its charming villages, iconic blue-domed churches, and mesmerizing sunsets that cast a golden hue over the Aegean Sea. This comprehensive tour ensures you’ll experience the heart of Greece’s history and the magnificence of its islands in one remarkable journey.

This customized tour includes:

  • 3 hotel/3 cruise night accommodations
  • Porterage at both hotel and cruise
  • Breakfast & dinner daily, cruise meals
  • Deluxe motor coach and driver
  • Licensed tour guides
  • Tips to driver, guide, and hotel staff
  • Round trip airfare from Los Angeles
  • Round-trip group airport transfers (within destinations)
  • All entrance fees on itinerary, and much more!

3-NIGHT ROME EXTENSION (September 9-12):

Day 1: Exploring the City’s Highlights and Arrival
Greetings and welcome to Rome! Our journey begins with a panoramic city tour, offering you a glimpse of Rome’s iconic landmarks. After the tour, we’ll settle you into the luxurious Bernini Hotel, where you’ll be staying for the next three days. Take this time to relax and prepare for the exciting adventures ahead.

Day 2: Delving into Ancient Rome
Start your day with a hearty breakfast at the hotel. Today’s focus is on immersing ourselves in the history of ancient Rome. We’ll visit the monumental Colosseum, explore the Roman Forum’s historical significance, and enjoy panoramic views from Palatine Hill. In the afternoon, we’ll delve into the history of Mamertine Prison, a place of profound historical significance. Wrap up the day with dinner at the hotel, reflecting on the captivating experiences you’ve had.

Day 3: Unveiling Mysteries Underground and Vatican Marvels
Begin your day with a satisfying breakfast before we explore the catacombs, offering a unique perspective on Rome’s early Christian history. In the afternoon, we head to Vatican City. Our first stop is St. Peter’s Basilica. We’ll then venture into the Vatican Museums, home to an impressive array of art from around the world. The grand finale awaits at the Sistine Chapel, where Michelangelo’s masterful ceiling will leave an indelible impression. As the day winds down, gather for a final dinner to share memories and insights from our Roman adventure.

Departure Day: Bidding Farewell
Enjoy your last Italian breakfast at the Bernini Hotel, a prelude to checking out and concluding our journey together. Depart with cherished memories and a deeper understanding of Rome’s rich heritage. Until we meet again, Rome – arrivederci!

Optional Rome Extension includes:

  • Flight from Athens to Rome
  • 3 hotel night accommodations at the Bernini, Rome (5 star)
  • 3 tour days including day of arrival.
  • Porterage at each hotel
  • Breakfast & dinner daily
  • Deluxe motor coach and driver
  • Licensed tour guides
  • Tips to driver, guide, and hotel staff
  • and more!

Come enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity as we follow in the footsteps of Paul. Register online today to reserve your space!

Tour Brochure (with Terms & Conditions, details and itinerary)

Tour Itinerary

Day 1 (Sept. 2)
  • Depart USA on your overnight flight to Athens
Day 2 (Sept. 3)
  • Arrive, transfer to hotel for check-in
  • Overnight Titania Hotel, Athens
Day 3 (Sept. 4)
  • Acropolis
  • Areopague/Mars Hill
  • Agora
  • Overnight Titania Hotel, Athens
Day 4 (Sept. 5)
  • Ancient Corinth/Corinth Canal
  • Afternoon free in Athens
  • Overnight Titania Hotel, Athens
Day 5 (Sept. 6)
  • Cruise embarkation
  • Island of Mykonos
  • Overnight, Celestyal Olympia
Day 6 (Sept. 7)
  • Ancient city of Ephesus
  • Island of Patmos
  • Overnight, Celestyal Olympia
Day 7 (Sept. 8)
  • Island of Crete
  • Island of Santorini
  • Overnight, Celestyal Olympia
Day 8 (Sept. 9) Rome Extension
  • Disembarkation, Flight home

Rome Extension Group:

  • Flight to Rome
  • Panoramic City Tour
  • Hotel Check-in
  • Overnight, Bernini Hotel, Rome
Day 9 (Sept. 10)
  • Colosseum
  • Forum
  • Palatine Hill
  • Mamertine Prison
  • Overnight, Bernini Hotel, Rome
Day 10 (Sept. 11)
  • Catacombs
  • St. Peter’s Basilica
  • Vatican Museum
  • Sistine Chapel
  • Overnight, Bernini Hotel, Rome
Day 11 (Sept. 12)

Concludes Rome Extension:

  • Flight home

Tour Details

  • 3 nights at the Titania Athens in Athens
  • 3 nights on a Celestyal Cruise - Mykonos, Patmos, Crete, Santorini

Rome Extension

  • 3 nights at the Bernini Hotel in Rome

Hotels subject to change.

via Air Canada (Greece Only)

  • Sep. 2: Depart Los Angeles at 7:30 AM, arrive in Montreal at 3:37 PM. Depart Montreal at 5:30 PM and arrive in Athens at 9:40 AM (Sep. 3).
  • Sep. 9: Depart Athens at 1:15 PM, arrive in Toronto at 5:00 PM. Depart Toronto at 6:30 PM and arrive back in Los Angeles at 8:49 PM.

via Lufthansa Airlines (Greece with Rome Ext)

  • Sep. 2: Depart Los Angeles at 3:00 PM, arrive in Frankfurt at 10:40 AM (Sep. 3). Depart Frankfurt at 1:45 AM and arrive in Athens at 5:30 PM.
  • Sep. 9 Flight from Athens to Rome - time TBD
  • Sep. 12: Depart Rome at 8:00 AM, arrive in Munich at 9:35 AM. Depart Munich at 12:15 PM and arrive back in Los Angeles at 3:15 PM.

Flights subject to change.

Main Tour Price: $4,097

Land Only Price: $2,697

Single room supplement for main tour: $706

Rome Extension: $2,756 (single supplement +$312)

Payment Plan:

  • $500 payment due at registration to reserve your space
  • $1500 payment due April 10, 2024
  • Remaining balance due June 4, 2024

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance can be purchased through Travelex. Visit our travel insurance page for more information.

Tour Registration

Click on the button below to begin your registration process. You will be able to create an account to manage all of your personal information and tour payments. A $500 deposit will be required upon registration for the tour.